Being in the misery of lost hope

Ultra Instinct Bandiya
2 min readMay 12, 2022

Sometimes we lose all hope and are absorbed by the sadness of our present moment’s helplessness ( the feeling that what i can do now is of no value or it will lead to no change in future that i think is fixed).

But to those of you that are feeling this or have been in this state, i would say it’s true one day doesn’t change anything but the combination of days , the efforts of those one after another . Even if you think they are not leading to your desired change, trust in the process ,it may not be the desired outcome but they lead to the needed outcome (the process, the system these things are way more important than your current goal as these are foundation for all future adventures).

All this to say is if you really want to do that thing which seems like a mountain now, or if it is absolutely necessary for your career that you have chosen for yourself with immense interest. (Subtext being you wanted this and now that you’re doing it, you’ve reached the chorus boring part and that has taken a toll on your or there’s some external factor that’s been affecting your mood)

It’s a whole different story if you’re stuck in a job that you don’t want or that it’s a short term compromise with life and your real passion is somewhere else. In that case I’ll say take the leap of faith when you think the feeling of purposelessness has been there in that job for sometime (that too is subjective like it maybe 2 months/3/4/6/12 etc. try to find how much time you can give it and after what time it is not necessary/ like when you’re life doesn’t depend on it)

And hey what do i know, I’m just as stupid as you are, I just put my thoughts here that are a little bit influenced by great minds i read or listen to & I’m trying to get better at Quitting things that feel like a drag but are at the moment; life supporting.

